Application of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs in Children Literature Review

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for Life and in Literature

Maslow was concerned with how people develop their identity and humanness. He believed people develop their identity as they have their needs met and those needs formed a hierarchy, from the lowest, basic physical needs to highest, self-actualization.

For case, a hungry child will not develop much intellectual curiosity. Lower level physical needs (hunger amount them) must be reasonably well satisfied before any individual volition attend to higher levels (intellectual curiosity being amongst the self-actualization).Maslow's hierarchy image

Bureaucracy of Needs Levels from lower to higher:

  1. Physical needs,
  2. Safety needs,
  3. Belonging & honey,
  4. Esteem and feeling of being recognized, and
  5. Striving for self-appearing or to reach i'southward all-time physical, social, and emotional ability. (demand to know), aesthetic needs (need for beauty), social (need to be among others), and emotional (need for success and mental well being).

Knowing Maslow'due south Hierarchy of needs helps to understand literature; every bit good authors tell stories that are plausible and realistic because their characters are based on real life people who develop as Maslow observed. Therefore, knowing Maslow'due south Hierarchy of Needs will assistance understand character traits, character development, how plots unfold, unlike themes included in stories and other characteristics, which will aid you to better capeesh quality literature.

Physical and Safety Needs (level 1 & ii)

Physical and Safe Needs : physical security begins in mother's and father's arms, includes eating and sleeping and expands to what individuals need for condolement and well-being. Material possessions and physical setting tin can include symbols of security. Stories that tell of people with plenty food and clothing. Tales of brightly burning fires, feasts, rich clothes, glittering jewels, and splendid palaces. The lack of security is one of peoples most pressing needs, very often it is central to the plot, motive for acting, or the theme of the story. Robinhood, Cinderella, Sounder, ...

Beloved and Belonging Needs (level 3)

Demand to be loved: all human beings want to beloved and to be loved. In literature this demand may likewise be met by fauna substitutes or fabric possessions. Devotion to people, animals, grandparents, parents, children, or material possessions.

  • I'll Get There, Information technology Meliorate Be Worth the Trip, John Donovans (1969), Davy's devotes his attention to his dog, Fred, after his grandmother's death.
  • Rainy Day Together; Ellen Parson (1971),
  • The Hundred Penny Box, Sharon Bell Mathis (1975),
  • Onion John ; Joseph Krumgold,
  • Summertime of the Swans , Betsy Byars (1970),
  • The Incredible Journey , Sheila Burnfords (1961),
  • Little Women , Louisa May Alcott,
  • Travelers by night , Vivien Alcoc, steal an aging elephant to save from slaughter-house
  • Like Jake and Me , Mavis Juke, theme of love and understanding betwixt a boy and stepfather
  • Ramona, Beverly Cleary, Traces of begetter
  • Where the Red Fern Grows, One dies because tin can not live without the other's love
  • The Giving Tree
  • Corduroy
  • Alexander and the Very Terrible Horrible No Practiced Very Bad Twenty-four hour period
  • The Velveteen Rabbit

Need to belong: to be function of a grouping, For young children this starts as an egocentric desire or office of self-love. Children say with pride MY mama, papa, brother. Stories almost family, neighborhood, community, schoolhouse, Beverly Cleary for the middle grades. When a kid wishes they could know the characters, assistance them, or be with them, they are widening their awareness of belonging and strengthening their idea of community and acceptance of others who may or may not exist similar to them.

  • John Tunis sports stories for the preadolescent and teenager makes young readers confront fully the actress difficulties that aggress youngsters of minority groups in winning a identify on the squad or community
  • The Soul Brothers and Sis, Kristin Hunte, a group of black adolescents confront prejudice toward and within themselves
  • Little Navajo Bluebird, not winning credence only in rejecting whites and all their ways and only accepts tribal grouping

Esteem, Recognized, and Cocky-actualization Needs (level iv & 5)

Demand to attain competence : begins with the infants exploration of talking, crawling, walking, and continues to the athlete, mathematician, artist, musician, or scientist. Need to interact effectively with the environment is a very strong motivating force. The important gene of volume heroes is the unique feats they performed on their own. Constitute in the study by Mary J. Collier and Eugene L. Gaier "The hero in the preferred childhood stories of college men",

  • Hansel and Gretal
  • Tom Sawyer
  • White Mountains Trilogy,
  • A Contraction in Time, Meg
  • Bear on Mr. Bowditch, Jean Latham
  • Almost biographies
  • Call it Courage, Armstrong Sperry
  • How to Survive Third Course, Laurie Lawlor
  • Swiss Family Robinson,
  • Mine for Keeps, Jean Niggling a cerebral palsy child comes home from five years in a residential schoolhouse feelings of fearfulness and self-pity, adjusts when helping another kid
  • Blood Brothers, Charles Drew a blackness ghetto child, who despite discrimination persist in his pursuit of a medical career and becomes a pioneer in blood research
  • Ramona books
  • Sorcerer of Oz,
  • Bridge to Terabithia,
  • Isle of the blue dolphins, Scott O'Dell
  • Sign of the Beaver,
  • Courage of Sara Noble,
  • Footling Engine that Could

Demand to know : kid's constant curiosity and why questions. Demand to investigate, to know for sure, a hunger for cognition.

  • All non fiction books
  • Legends
  • Miss Nelson is missing,
  • Curious George,

Need for beauty and order : music, trip the light fantastic toe, drama, story, painting, sculpture. The child seeks artful satisfaction and the evolution of ones tastes by enjoying one slice of literature after another.

  • Shirley Glubok'southward books about art in various cultures: The Fine art of Ancient Egypt, The Art of the
  • N American Indian, The Fine art of Ancient Mexico
  • Looking at Art, Alice Elizabeth Chase: discusses ways creative person await at people, landscapes, or spatial relationships
  • All I See, Cynthia Rylant: story of a painter who encourages a child

Dazzler in Literature the interplay of the elements of literature and multiple themes organized in a fascinating story of intrigue and character development.

  • A Wrinkle in Time,
  • Charlottes Web,
  • Constrict Everlasting,
  • Owl Moon,


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